The Summit which has made the headlines in the ICT industry, marked the 14th edition of Telecom Review Leaders’ Summit.
Telecom Review has always organized conferences but this year was the most challenging for everyone. Last June, we have decided to move forward. We held our first virtual panel which turned out a great success and then organized many other successful virtual panels.
But the real challenge was the annual Summit, the physical one! Our 14th edition was the first physical conference held during this pandemic while all other conferences and events were postponed
Frankly, the opening of business in Dubai with strict safety rules (sanitization, wearing face masks and social distancing) encouraged me to move forward!
The Summit was both physical and virtual at the same time. The challenge was securing over 16 hours of live streaming with zero delay while shooting with UHD professional video cameras.
That’s when we had the idea of contacting Etisalat - our Telecom Partner in the summit for years - to secure 5G dedicated connectivity in order to get the best and first hybrid live event using professional UHD video cameras and hold first ICT event completely connected by 5G.
Special thanks are due to Etisalat for making all of this happen, to my team, to our AV team and to the Meydan hotel management and team. You are all partners in our success.